English 1200

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How was English 1200?

I enjoyed English 1200 very much and I was so excited when I discovered I got my first pick, because many people did not. Actually I thought it was a funny coincidence that all the asians were lucky enough to be put in the same class. Anyways, English 1200 is definitly a learning experience (I still feel awkward eating in class :p), my teacher is so unique and different, it makes English worth coming to because everyday is a suprise...what will she do today? what are we going to do today? But it's not all fun and games, we do a lot of workshopping together and for the first week many of us apprehended more knowledge on Native Americans that we hadn't known beforehand. We had two guest speakers when this program began, Jesse and Wamblee, they were both passionate individuals who were proud of their native roots. It was interesting to listen to their stories, there was a lot of sorrow but courage and triumph as well. (maybe we'll go on a trip!!) They only negative I would say about English 1200 was the room. It was sooooo super tiny and cramped in there, but luckily towards the last couple weeks we were able to move to an empty computer lab where we could use our time more efficiently and have some room to breathe.

How was the teacher?

Miss Sheila Rocha-Cruz without a doubt would be my favorate english teacher. She has shared so many stories with us and I only wish I could be in her class longer because I know she has so much more to say. She is an interesting individual not afraid to travel outside boundaries. We never really stick to a schedule (who needs a syllabus anyways?), sometimes we analyze music videos on youtube (or should i say u tube? haha), or we watch small little news reels, interesting news reels where we then have an opportunity to voice our opinion. I love Ms. Rocha because with her, there's never a wrong answer, at times we can be waaaayyy out there but she has a way with words and can pretty much segway it to whatever she was aiming for. I feel sorry for the students who didn't get to be with her the whole time because I know they would have loved her just as much as my class does. The other scholars had a taste of how fun our class is because she was able to come talk to us this monday, but that is our class on a daily basis. Patrick and Jennifer, our study group teachers are good as well. Both of them are just so easy going it makes you feel comfortable...and they have opinions on certain issues as well which they voice once in a while. It's always interesting to see someone else's vantage point.

Did you have any difficulty?

Tests and homework was a piece of cake. Nothing we couldn't handle and very reasonable. Compared to the kind of homework that I have to accomplish in high school, I would be able to do this in my sleep (not literally but you know what I mean). The tests are simple, we just have to let Rocha know what we felt out of the readings she had assigned or sometimes we are given a question in which we answer to the best of our ability. All the readings that had been assigned for homework I enjoyed very much (except Rodriguez..no offense), my favorite would be the essay that was written by Amy Tan. It was a more modern piece and had more tension that students like us are interested in. As long as you tried and made an effort, it would not hold out against you.

Blog #3 cont'd

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Honestly I was somewhat disappointed, I was expecting to actually shadow someone,...a doctor, nurse, dentist, neurosurgeon.....whatever..anything, my last guess was to talk to a member of the recruitment staff...ABOUT UNMC.