First Week Blog #1

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just the fact that we are receiving college credit, being a Summer Scholar give us the opportunity to get one step ahead of everyone else and lets us experience first hand what college life is really like and not just what speakers tell you through brochures.

The most challenging thing would be getting past the concept that it is our first grade. There are no such things as second chances and whatever we receive as our grade, will be on our college transcript forever. It is also a college level class, much different from high school, I also find it very weird that we don't have to ask for permission to go use the restroom, that will need some getting use to. :p

I learned that in college life, rules are very important and being able to tolerate people. I get personally get along with everyone, but I realize that those who individuals who find it hard to develop relationships with their dorm-mates will find college life stressful. I also learned when to say "no." In college there will be no room for hanging out with friends, at least not on a daily basis, so when a room mate asks you to watch a movie or go out, you have to prioritize and think for yourself whether or not you have the time for it.

In this first week, I learned better time management. On the first day I received homework, one of the activities ran an hour late. I had started on it and assumed I could finish later. Making an assumption like that was my fault and I did not make the same mistake twice, getting my assignments done ahead of time now is a must.

Dorm life was interesting. I thought for the first couple of days it was fun. We were near our friends and we could all have fun together as a group, but later on it wore off....I missed things that in the 'real' dorm life I would have, like my t.v. or other essentials. It was fun but going home felt better and more comfortable.